Sedation Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry located in Magnolia, TX

Pediatric Sedation Dentistry In Magnolia, 77355

Feeling comfortable in the dentist’s chair is the best way to establish a lifetime of routine dental care. For many kids who work with Keith Coe, DDS, of Stagecoach Children’s Dental Center in Magnolia, Texas, sedation dentistry is an important tool in reaching that goal. If you’d like to explore the options in greater detail, book a visit online or call today.

Types Of Sedation

Nitrous Oxide: Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is a safe and mild form of sedation administered through a mask placed over the child’s nose. It helps relax the child during dental procedures while allowing them to remain conscious and responsive.

Oral Sedation: This involves the child taking a prescribed medication, usually in the form of a pill or liquid, to induce relaxation and reduce anxiety before the dental appointment. The medication is typically taken orally about an hour before the procedure.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation: IV sedation involves administering sedative medication directly into the child’s bloodstream through a vein. This type of sedation allows for deeper relaxation and is typically used for more extensive dental procedures or for children with severe dental anxiety.

General Anesthesia: General anesthesia is the deepest form of sedation, inducing a state of unconsciousness during dental procedures. It is administered by a qualified anesthesiologist in a hospital or surgical center setting and is typically reserved for complex dental treatments or for children with special needs who cannot tolerate other forms of sedation.

What Are The Common Reasons Children Need Sedation During Dental Procedures?

Sedation may be needed for your child during dental procedures in the following situations:

Dental Anxiety: If your child experiences fear or anxiety about visiting the dentist, sedation can help them feel more relaxed and comfortable during their appointment.

Extensive Treatment: For complex or lengthy dental procedures, sedation may be recommended to help your child remain calm and cooperative throughout the treatment.

Special Needs: Children with special needs, medical conditions, or behavioral challenges may require sedation to facilitate dental care and ensure their safety and comfort during treatment.

Difficulty Sitting Still: Some children have difficulty sitting still for prolonged periods, making it challenging to perform necessary dental procedures. Sedation can help them remain calm and still during treatment.

FAQs About Sedation Dentistry For Kids

Many kids experience some degree of anxiety when they think about dental care. For some, these fears are overwhelming and make dental visits nearly unbearable.

This is called dental anxiety, and it can develop in several ways. Some children begin to fear dental visits after having a negative experience. Others become fearful after watching movies or TV programming that portrays dentistry in a negative light. Sometimes, there’s no clear cause of dental anxiety.

Sedation dentistry offers a solution. State-of-the-art technology and research provide options that help kids relax and get the care they need without undue stress. When kids are relaxed, parents are also less stressed, making these visits easier on the whole family.

Nitrous oxide, often called “laughing gas,” is a common form of sedation dentistry. Dr. Coe places a simple mask or nose tubing that delivers the colorless, odorless gas, and kids breathe normally.

The effects kick in almost immediately. Kids begin to feel relaxed and even a bit sleepy. They remain awake and able to respond to Dr. Coe’s instructions, but they no longer feel significant anxiety. As soon as the mask or tubing is removed, the effects begin to quickly wear off.

Conscious sedation is another option, one that uses medication to help children and teens relax during treatments. Patients are not fully sedated and can still respond to instructions. The effects of conscious sedation take a bit longer to wear off, but kids begin to feel like themselves within a few hours.

Nitrous oxide and conscious sedation are backed by decades of research. Each option has a strong safety track record and is a safe and effective way to help children and teens get the care they need without undue stress.

Dr. Coe and his team have extensive experience in sedation dentistry. They employ industry-leading techniques to ensure a safe experience for each patient who chooses sedation dentistry.

As always, parents need to let Dr. Coe know about any health conditions or medications their child is taking. This information allows him to guide families toward the best sedation options.

When you’re ready to learn more, booking a visit is as easy as making a quick phone call or spending a few moments online.