Are you confused about the different tooth extractions your child could need? In this article, learn about the various types of extractions, why they’re performed, and what to expect during the procedure.

Being a parent means you have a lot to juggle, and one of those things is taking care of your child’s teeth. Sometimes, even with the best of care, a tooth has to be taken out. We know that can be a little scary and leave you with many questions. What will happen during the procedure? Will it hurt? What comes after?

That’s where we come in. At Stagecoach Children’s Dental Center in Magnolia, Texas, Keith Coe, DDS, and our team specialize in helping kids with their dental needs. Not only do we ensure your child gets the best treatment, but we also explain all the details.

In this article, we discuss the types of tooth extractions, why they can be needed, and what happens afterward.

Why extracting teeth is sometimes necessary

There are several reasons why your child’s tooth may need to be removed:


Overcrowding is a common issue that can cause significant dental problems. When there isn’t enough space in a child’s jaw for teeth to erupt properly, it can cause a misalignment or even prevent permanent teeth from coming in. In these cases, it may be best to remove one or more teeth so the other teeth can have room.


In some cases, a dental infection can lead to severe health issues. If a tooth is significantly infected, it may not be treatable with antibiotics or a root canal. In cases like these, a removal might be necessary.


In some cases, dental decay can advance to the point where it affects the structural integrity of a child’s tooth. If this happens, the tooth may need to be removed to prevent damage to the surrounding teeth and gums.

Orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic treatments, such as braces, sometimes require additional space in the mouth so the teeth can realign properly. In such cases, one or more teeth may need to be extracted to make enough room so the rest of the teeth can be shifted.

Types of extractions

There are a number of types of extractions. Here are three common ones:

Simple extractions

The most common type of tooth extraction is a simple extraction. With this procedure, we use a tool called an elevator to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it. This type is generally straightforward and can be performed with local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or sedation.

Surgical extractions

If a tooth is broken at the gum line or has not erupted through the gums, a surgical extraction may be required. This procedure involves making a small incision in the gum to remove the tooth. Surgical extractions often require general anesthesia or sedation.

Baby tooth extractions

Sometimes, baby teeth don’t fall out naturally in time for the permanent teeth to grow in. In such cases, we might recommend extracting your child’s baby tooth. This is typically a quick and straightforward procedure and is often performed with local anesthesia.

What to expect from the procedure

The procedure starts with a consultation with Dr. Coe. During the consultation, he goes over your child’s X-rays and discusses the type of extraction required. He also discusses anesthesia options for your child.

Then, we use the agreed-upon anesthesia and carry out the extraction. After the extraction, your child might feel some discomfort. It’s essential to follow all aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

The aftercare tips Dr. Coe gives you will depend on your child’s specific case, but they might include any of the following:

  • Don’t give your child spicy or hot foods for a few days
  • Feed your child soft foods
  • Don’t let your child use a straw for the first 24-48 hours, as the sucking motion could disrupt the healing process

If your child needs an extraction, or if you want to see if your child needs one, we can help. To learn more, call 281-688-1408 or book an appointment online with Stagecoach Children’s Dental Center today.